Welcome back! This week we're going to take a look at a couple similar but very different organizations in the strange and wonderful town of Corbin Cove: the book club and the librarians.
The Book Club
The Corbin Cove Book Club is a small, but vocal group made up of avid readers. Banned from Hallowed Grounds Coffee Bar for cursing the staff when they ran out of pastries, they most often meet at other members' houses now, but will sometimes be able to convince The Spine Mine to host them. The majority of the book club are more than capable of using magic of all forms, but several specialize in curses while at least one excels at potions. Aside from their use of magic, the book club seems a rather normal group.
The group meets weekly to discuss the newest book they're reading or make suggestions for what the club should read next. The group also occasionally brews up some trouble and mischief for the other residents of Corbin Cove. It isn't unusual for the group to brew a love potion and slip it into community punch at different meetings (the PTA meetings or gatherings at the community center). Because of this, many residents have taken to drinking from hip flasks whenever they spot a member of the book club.
Of course, the book club's numbers are growing and no one really knows who is and isn't a member.
The Librarians
The librarians are never seen outside of Obelisk Library. Of course, there's always rumors that they've been spotted hunting down people with overdue books like an owl hunts down a mouse, but these rumors aren't confirmed. It doesn't help that the librarians are never seen inside the library either.
The librarians are rather helpful though and are always around when someone needs help acquiring a specific book. The library patron will usually find the book set down on a table beside or in front of them and hear the light flapping or rustle of wings, which is the only betrayal of the librarian's presence. The librarians believe, after all, that the mark of a good librarian is to be ever-helpful and never seen, only rarely heard.
A rather short post today, I'm afraid. In the next installment of Corbin Cove, I'll give you a tour of the two places for avid readers: The Spine Mine bookstore and Obelisk Library. Until then, stay strange.
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