Thursday, September 28, 2023

New Series

 Awhile back, I mentioned that I'd had an idea that wouldn't leave me alone and I'd focused on the characters, plots, arcs, and titles for the novels in the series. I described it as Criminal Minds meets Suicide Squad with supernatural elements thrown in. I'd said that I hadn't yet started writing as I was planning things out.

Well, I finished the planning and started the writing. I'm working on the first book in the series. I've also got a five book spin-off series planned showing how the killers joined the team as well as how the team leader actually ended up in the position he's in. What I don't have at this point is a title of the series in general. But I have titles for the novels, so that's something, especially considering I usually suck at titles.

Yes, some of my titles are incredibly punny. It fits with the tone of the series and with my personality so yeah, they work. Other titles have multiple meanings and for one of them, I actually had to use Google for the title and found that the changing of a single letter changes the entire meaning of the word. I'm not spoiling anything here, but Google "parlay" vs "parley" to find out the difference.

I'm not going to share too much here about the series or anything, but I have started writing the first book. For an idea what the first book is about, you could read the Missing 411 series by David Paulides, or listen to some of the stories from the books on YouTube. That's not exactly what my book is about, but those will give a great feel for the killer and what the victims go through. 

Anyway, I'm working on the first book of the series and still working on The Agency anthology (it's 193 pages, and a whopping 92,981 words so far). There are other ideas that occasionally want my attention, but these are the ones that I am going to focus on. 

These are the ones I am going to finish.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Location 041B

 Happy September, all! It's the start of spooky season! Though things are still busy here, I've decided to share another story of The Agency. This one is set on a picturesque beach, perfect for ending the summer and drifting into fall. 

So, everyone grab the beach towels and the floats. Remember the sunscreen, watch for sharks, and stay in the water.

Location 041B


A stretch of beach near the Sapphire Lagoon Resort, approximately an hour from the town of San Anta, Location 041B seems unremarkable. White, pristine sand, crystal clear azure water, thick jungle past the shore—like a dozen other beaches in the area. What makes Location 041B worthy of being designated and quarantined by the Agency are the events that occur there, as seen by Testimony 2020-06-03.

Testimony 2020-06-03

Arch. Pace: Statement of Jace Richard regarding Location 041B, recorded direct from subject by Archivist Evelyn Pace.

Richard: You mean the beach?

Arch. Pace: Yes, though we call it Location 041B. Makes it official. You understand.

Richard: Yeah, I guess. So anyway, my family and I—

Arch. Pace: Names, please.

Richard: Oh, right. My father, Andrew; my mother, Lily; and my siblings, Levi, Miles, Jennifer, and Brandy. We all went on vacation. We were staying at the Sapphire Lagoon Resort and we decided to go to the beach instead of spending the day at the pool or visiting some of the attractions. Miles and Levi wanted to go to some kind of celebration in San Anta—I don’t remember what they called it, but I guess it was something like a carnival or a parade since it involved alcohol. My dad said that they could go that evening, but that they were going to spend the day with the family.

            So we went to the beach. We weren’t the only people there, but I don’t know the names of the others.

Arch. Pace: That’s alright. Please continue.

Richard: Despite how nice it was, the beach wasn’t crowded. Just us and a few others. The waves were calm, there weren’t any riptide warning signs. There was no reason such a nice beach should be so empty on such a perfect beach day. Levi and Miles, even though they didn’t want to be there, were the first into the water. My mom laid down on the towel she’d brought, intending to tan, and my dad sat near her as he watched Jennifer and Brandy build sandcastles.

            I walked closer to the water, just close enough that the waves lapped my feet. The water was perfect, not too cold but not too warm either. It was glistening. The sun was so bright that even the sand seemed to sparkle.

            One of my brothers splashed me and I splashed back, then went deeper into the water. Normally, I wouldn’t. I was scared of stepping on a stingray so I’d normally stay close to shore, just let the waves wash over my feet. But everything just felt so nice and safe that I knew I could go swimming deeper with Miles and Levi.

            I stopped feeling safe when I reached them, though. My feet couldn’t touch the bottom anymore. They didn’t notice and swam a little further so their feet weren’t touching the bottom either. I didn’t like them being so far out and the idea of following them, of what could be below me. They’d let me watch Jaws just a few days ago when our parents went out to dinner.

            But I didn’t want to stay where I was so I turned to go back and swam a little closer to shore. I heard Levi whoop behind me and I glanced over my shoulder. He was body-surfing, just letting the wave carry him back to shore. He and Miles caught up to me when the wave overtook me and the three of us were carried to shore.

            We landed on the beach, laughing as the wave retreated and tickled our chests and stomachs on its way back out. Miles rolled onto his back as Levi shook water from his hair. I sat up, grinning, and looked around. The sand was still sparkling, though not where the waves were. Like the water washed away whatever made the sand sparkle so that it would glisten.

            That was when Jennifer and Brandy began screaming.

            We whipped around in time to see their hands swelling up. It was like they were having allergic reactions, though I don’t know to what. Except that it looked different, somehow. Like boils? I don’t know.

            Our parents got there at the same time we did, though I noticed their feet and legs looked the same as Jennifer and Brandy’s hands. Jennifer stood up, screamed, and then fell; her legs and feet were like our parents’. When she fell, she landed on one of the boils and it burst, spewing clear, yellowish water that glittered like the sand.

            Dad picked her up, more water gushing out as he did so. We started running away from the beach as Mom grabbed Brandy. I felt my feet tingling and, when I looked down at them, they were glittering. And the glitters were moving.

            That was when we heard the screams from the other people at the beach.

            I turned and I ran to the water.

Arch. Pace: Why?

Richard: I don’t know, really. I just wanted to wash the glitters off my feet before the same thing that happened to Jennifer happened to me.

            I went to the water and heard Miles calling me. He and Levi came running after me. Our parents disappeared up the trail to the hotel with our sisters while we stayed in the water. I wouldn’t let them leave the water. Not until the boat showed up.

            Everyone onboard had lifejackets with the letter K on them. They said they were here to help us. They helped us out of the water, gave us blankets to wrap around us, and headed toward a dock.

            Once we got on the dock, there were a bunch of people there in coats like doctors wear, but they had an E on them and some had a weird O symbol. It wasn’t closed at the bottom and had two lines going from the opening. There was also one that had a triangle on his outfit.

            They began checking us and Miles kept asking about our parents and sisters. The only one that seemed to acknowledge us was the one with the triangle. I think his name was Ellis.

            After the doctors cleared us, Ellis came over and began talking to Miles, Levi, and me. He wasn’t excluding me just because of my age. He explained that things weren’t looking good for them, but they were doing everything they could to help them. He said that we could stay in the hotel and he’d let us know how our family is doing as things progress.

            He took us back to our room at the hotel and gave Miles his number so they could keep in touch once Levi and Miles gave him theirs. Ellis said he’d let us know how our family was doing when he had news.

            Miles and Levi didn’t go to the carnival thing they wanted to go to, but I don’t think they noticed. We stayed awake all night, waiting to hear how our family was. I fell asleep around three, I think.

            When I woke up, Levi was letting Ellis into the room. Levi and Miles looked exhausted. Ellis gave them some coffee then sat down in a chair across from us to give us the news. Our family died from their injuries.

            Levi was the first to ask what had caused the swelling and everything. Ellis was quiet then asked if wanted the media answer or the truth. He warned us that if we wanted the truth, that would change everything for us. He told us the truth and brought us here. I’m guessing that Miles and Levi are going to work here from now on.

Arch. Pace: Statement ends. Miles and Levi Richard have completed their employment interviews and will begin training to determine their placement within the Agency.

            Regarding the incident in Location 041B, the source was found to be microscopic, or almost microscopic, mites made of pure corundum, specifically sapphire. Several samples were collected and brought back to be studied, though the mites seem to have a rapid lifecycle and deteriorate quickly.

            One thing that has become clear is that the mites, once entering the body of a human, begin unlatching the skin from the muscles. Once the skin is free, it begins filling with clear, yellow water. From the moment the mites enter the humans’ bodies, there is no hope.

 Anyone heading to a beach in these ending days of summer, be careful. The sand can be more dangerous than the water or the sun. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Quick Update

 So, we're still in the process of moving in to the new place and selling the old one (anyone wanna buy a house?) which means that I've not done too much of anything except the day-to-day life stuff of taking care of animals and unpacking to make the house a home. 

We've adopted a disabled Bantam-Silkie cross chicken who was run over by a chicken tractor and had an injury to her legs. She's made a remarkable recovery since being in our care, but still can't walk very well. She's able to perch, scratch the ground, and squeeze our fingers, though. She's living her best chicken life as part of the flock with the ducks since she couldn't continue to be part of her original chicken flock (chickens can be quite aggressive and would hurt and bully her since she's clumsy whereas ducks are naturally a bit more clumsy when it comes to their feet). 

I'm still working on the worldbuilding project and have actually gotten the write up for the Leskovin Federation done, aside from the history section which will be the longest. It's a very fun project for me and I've taken to calling it my "fantasy history book" since that's basically what I'm writing as I'm more interested in the history of the world I'm creating than in the idea of actually writing something about it. This has been something I can do to de-stress and it's overall just something I enjoy, worldbuilding. I'm also still working on the timeline since there's events that I hadn't even thought of that I need to include in the timeline. That said, at least the Leskovin Federation write up helped me learn more about that particular group of countries and the religion they have. 

I've found some old ideas of mine that I'd forgotten and I quite like so I'm thinking of maybe reviving them so I may share a bit about them later. Or not. I do have a lot of other projects and unpacking to do. 

There's also something I've been working on that wasn't really a novel idea or anything at first, but has gotten stuck in my head and won't let go so I worked on it a bit. Basically: Criminal Minds meets Suicide Squad with supernatural elements thrown in. I've got the novel ideas written down, titles for them, characters named and histories figured out, arcs for them. It's been a fun thing to work on, but I've not done any actual writing for it yet since I've been actually planning things out regarding this series idea instead of just writing immediately and going back to figure things out later. I may mention more later.

That's just a little about what's been going on here. Hopefully, we'll get the house in order soon and I'll be able to update more, maybe post another story from The Agency

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Moving In, A New Idea, & A Book Review

 Hey, it's been awhile. 

So, for an update: We've gotten moved into the new place. We're still moving stuff in slowly because of how much stuff we've accumulated over the years, medical issues, life, and trying to make sure we actually get things unpacked this time around. Last time we moved, we didn't do that and our house remained cluttered, chaotic, and an overall disaster. 

Needless to say, we've been busy.

We're still working on getting the yard fenced in for the dogs, getting a walkway from the driveway to the front porch, and just generally doing some home improvements to make this place the perfect forever home. The fence is the next big project, though.

I've not been doing much writing, though I have been revisiting some old projects and worldbuilding some of the ones I've mentioned here. I've also been worldbuilding a project that is a bit different than my usual genres of fantasy, supernatural, horror, and science figure: dystopia.

The dystopia idea was inspired by a dream that actually made me wake up several hours before my normal time so that I could write down as many details of it as I could remember because it was that interesting to me. So, from that point on, I've been working on it on and off, not writing yet and not making any real plans with it. I'm still worldbuilding, though I did get a map done for it. I won't be sharing any information about it here yet since there's still not really enough details or information to warrant that.

My love of Alternate History has led me to branch out in terms of what I normally read, which has led me to pick up The Traitor Beside Her, a historical fiction novel set in WWII by Mary Anna Evans. The Traitor Beside Her is engaging and immediately draws you into the world of the United States during World War II and explores cryptoanalysis, the role women code breakers played in the war, and how important the knowledge of different languages (not just German, but also Choctaw) was and still is. 

Aside from getting settled in and reading, I've not been doing much because moving is exhausting.