Thursday, August 31, 2023

Quick Update

 So, we're still in the process of moving in to the new place and selling the old one (anyone wanna buy a house?) which means that I've not done too much of anything except the day-to-day life stuff of taking care of animals and unpacking to make the house a home. 

We've adopted a disabled Bantam-Silkie cross chicken who was run over by a chicken tractor and had an injury to her legs. She's made a remarkable recovery since being in our care, but still can't walk very well. She's able to perch, scratch the ground, and squeeze our fingers, though. She's living her best chicken life as part of the flock with the ducks since she couldn't continue to be part of her original chicken flock (chickens can be quite aggressive and would hurt and bully her since she's clumsy whereas ducks are naturally a bit more clumsy when it comes to their feet). 

I'm still working on the worldbuilding project and have actually gotten the write up for the Leskovin Federation done, aside from the history section which will be the longest. It's a very fun project for me and I've taken to calling it my "fantasy history book" since that's basically what I'm writing as I'm more interested in the history of the world I'm creating than in the idea of actually writing something about it. This has been something I can do to de-stress and it's overall just something I enjoy, worldbuilding. I'm also still working on the timeline since there's events that I hadn't even thought of that I need to include in the timeline. That said, at least the Leskovin Federation write up helped me learn more about that particular group of countries and the religion they have. 

I've found some old ideas of mine that I'd forgotten and I quite like so I'm thinking of maybe reviving them so I may share a bit about them later. Or not. I do have a lot of other projects and unpacking to do. 

There's also something I've been working on that wasn't really a novel idea or anything at first, but has gotten stuck in my head and won't let go so I worked on it a bit. Basically: Criminal Minds meets Suicide Squad with supernatural elements thrown in. I've got the novel ideas written down, titles for them, characters named and histories figured out, arcs for them. It's been a fun thing to work on, but I've not done any actual writing for it yet since I've been actually planning things out regarding this series idea instead of just writing immediately and going back to figure things out later. I may mention more later.

That's just a little about what's been going on here. Hopefully, we'll get the house in order soon and I'll be able to update more, maybe post another story from The Agency