Thursday, May 26, 2022

A New Chapter

 So, I've been MIA for a bit. That's my bad. Life got busy. Like I said in the last post, 2022 is the year of getting things in order and it turns out there are many changes that are being made this year. 

Myrrh and I have been staying with my mom since March to help her get her house packed up and ready to be sold and, now that it is, ready for her to move into an apartment. The apartment is her temporary home where she and her dog Scruffy will be staying for at least a month, possibly two. 

Once we're back home, Myrrh and I will be getting all of our things packed and moved to storage so that our house looks spacious so it can be put on the market. That's right. We're selling the house. We're keeping the ducks, the chickens, the dog, and the cat, but we're not keeping the house or our roommate, though we have been presenting the roommate with options that would allow them to continue to work for the neighbors but the roommate doesn't want to hear it. 

Anyway, we're selling and using the money from the sale of our place, and the money from the sale of the extra property Myrrh owns, and Mom's using the money from her house so we can buy a house (a manufactured home, the 3-bedroom Southern Charm available at Clayton Homes) and property for it. We've already planned on what furniture we're bringing and what we're not and Mom immediately said that the ducks would stay in the laundry room when I had asked where they would stay in the new place. 

The new house has everything we want: the walk-in shower for Mom, the bar area for Myrrh's mocktail hobby, large kitchen for baking for me and space for soap-making (also Myrrh's hobby), and a built-in desk for me. We've planned on fencing in the backyard, getting a wooden shed for storage, getting Myrrh a work shed for tools and pottery work. Using the dog pen for the ducks to wander around during the daylight hours. 

Things are looking up and the future is bright, though that does mean I will be busy and not on here for awhile since I'll be getting things ready. I'll try to log on and update, but there's also the possibility that the next post will be coming from the new house. 

Update 6/19/22: Short update so didn't see the point in making a new post. The chickens had to be rehomed since while we were at Mom's, a raccoon was getting into the coop through a hole in the roof and killing them...and the roommate didn't have any plans to do anything about this until Myrrh said, "That's depressing" when the roommate said that it didn't matter that we couldn't tell which of our young chickens had been got since they'd all lost their bands. The survivors (9 out of 22 chickens) went to a friend who has a lot of chickens and will take good care of them. 

The roommate plans to move north and live with family for a bit then move to the west coast and work on a ship since that's seasonal work. The roommate also plans to continue to carve and eventually get chickens and sheep while out on the coast.

We're looking for property in the surrounding areas. Even Mom's looking at property up this way as she's finally decided that yeah, family is important and her family is here, likes the area, and wants her around. So, when she's able to she's gonna come up and we're gonna actually look at some of the property in person.

My legs have been in a lot of pain and it's a struggle to do daily chores but I get them done. My legs, it should be noted, are hurting from stress. Nothing medical or anything. Just stress. I know because when we were at Mom's, they were fine. Stress is hell, folks, and does terrible things to your body. It's not all in your head.