So, move-in day at Tusculum is August 15th (which at the time of writing this is tomorrow). I'm all packed, ready to go. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and a million other things. I'll be living in an apartment (which looks awesome and is on the ground floor) with a roommate, Parker. There will supposedly be three other girls in the apartment as well, but I don't know their names or anything. I'm not taking nearly as much stuff with me this time since I now know what to expect. I also don't need heavy-duty winter clothes since Tusculum (being in Tennessee) doesn't get as cold as Cornell.
Gravity Falls
I have a new obsession. The animated series Gravity Falls is amazing and is a must-watch no matter how old you are. It partially inspired my July novel and a certain image (pictured below) inspired the cover. If you haven't watched Gravity Falls, go watch it now.
July Project: Decipher
July was the summer version of NaNoWriMo (one of the camp sessions). My novel for that month is titled Decipher, the synopsis is below in blue. I didn't win, but I haven't given up on it. I'm still working on it because I love the characters (namely my demon character and my main character's little sister because she's a badass). I've spent a lot of time planning out how the novel's going to go and have realized it will be a lot longer than 50,000 words. I've also been spending hours figuring out the hidden messages, translating them into runes, and researching different ciphers and cryptograms. I also drew a cover and, while it might not be the greatest cover ever, I am proud of how it turned out and will include it below.
Stuck working in his mother's antique shop for the summer, Coy expects to be bored. His expectations change, however, when he and his friends discover a strange message hidden in a picture frame. After that, any possibility for a normal summer goes out the window as Coy and his friends launch themselves into a mystery that's been going on far longer than they could have imagined.
The words on the outer and inner circles are written in runes. The ones on the outer circle: some of them are the hidden messages, some are short phrases that relate to the symbols in the circle and pairings. The ones on the inner circle: one is a secret society, the other is a phrase relating to the symbols of two villains. The symbol in the center is the sigil for my demon character; it is a rune with the reversed rune layered over it since the demon represents both the positive and negative connotations of that particular rune. The symbols in the circle (moon, diamond, lock, star, cross, triquetra, compass, key, lantern, and heart [which has some crack lines if you look closely]) all relate to different characters of varying importance
Yes, I am being vague and no, I won't say what the rune is, what the messages are, who the symbols go to, or anything else. The answers lie in the novel and I'm not revealing anything yet.